Students often ask about what yoga equipment to buy and I point them in the direction of Yoga Matters shop.
After years of running retreats and students turning up with the wrong sized blocks, I can see that it is useful to have some suggestions about a beginners’ pack, which will cater for your minimum needs:
– 4 yoga blocks, Size : 305 x 205 x 50mm / 12.25″ x 8.25″ x 2″, Weight : 0.15 kg
– A yoga mat, these range from standard to high-performance
– A yoga belt, the D-ring variety are the most user-friendly.
If you want to take things further:
– A second, longer yoga belt
– A bolster
– Two bricks, Size : 220mm x 110mm x 70mm, Weight : 0.34 kg.
If the shoulders are tight then:
– 4 extra half blocks, Size : 305 x 205 x 25mm / 12.25″ x 8.25″ x 1″, Weight : 0.075 kg. are very useful in giving you more support for your shoulderstand
– A chair
– Blanket(s)
– An eye bag.
For Iyengar yoga DVDs, I recommend:
‘Iyengar yoga’ by Gabriella Gublilero and ‘Iyengar Yoga Practice and Enjoy’ by Julie Brown, both of which can be found in the shop below.
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