I’m not your typical slender, lithe yoga type – more of a welsh mountain pony with the strong streak of stubbornness. But I have LOVED doing yoga with Lorraine. It’s hard, I sweat, a lot, and I often topple over but the sense of satisfaction is huge. And you can literally see yourself improving with every session. I move countries every few years so I’ve tried yoga with a variety of teachers. But having had classes with Lorraine has spoiled me and nothing else quite compares. It’s always Lorraine’s voice I hear inside my head when I’m taking other classes. Her way of explaining things just makes sense. Did you know you can quite literally “suck up your thigh bone”. I can now do a head stand in the middle of the room and a “bridge” without having to be literally held up. And, unheard of for me when it comes to physical exercise, I can’t wait to get back for the next class.
Yoga is first and foremost a spiritual path. However, people often come to it for a variety of practical reasons: insomnia, aching backs, stiff legs, anxiety. In the process of curing these issues they experience the transformative power of yoga which brings a sense of profound well-being.
Yoga works every fibre of the body; the joints, organs, glands, circulation, skin and nerves. It promotes strength, suppleness and vitality.
As well as a sense of internal harmony and well-being, it reduces stress and increases energy levels and powers of concentration.
Yoga can be adapted for all ages and levels of fitness and health to obtain maximum benefit from the asanas according to their needs.