X-ray Body in Motion – Yoga

from hybrid medical animation Plus A visual study/exploration of the body in motion with a focus on yoga poses. Our goal for this piece was to create a realistic representation of radiological (x-ray) imaging. Instead of just creating a still image, however, we wanted to combine the beautiful moves of yoga with this new visual…

Your Brain on Yoga

BY Timothy McCall ON June 6, 2013 0 When I was in medical school in the 1980s, we were taught that after a certain stage of childhood development, the architecture of the brain was fixed. Brain cells, or neurons, couldn’t be replaced; at best, we could slow the rate of their loss by cutting down…

Yoga Postures for Fatigue Relief

The Four Bs (bolsters, blankets, blocks, and belts) help open the body to deep relaxation. BY Marla Apt ON June 4, 2013 0 Too tired. For many it’s the default response to every request—even the fun ones. Some of the walking weary are simply too overworked or overstressed to get adequate rest, while others may…

Yoga : Aligning to the Source

Worth watching! The Film condenses the vast subject of Yoga. Millions of people around the world today practice some from of Yoga and this Film explores the origins of Yoga, its development and practices, its integration across religions in India, the science behind it and its successful spread all over the world. It demonstrates how…

TADASANA by Lorraine McConnon

STANDING ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET It is no coincidence that the ancient yogis are often depicted standing in Tadasana. It is the hidden pose inside so many others and in coming to terms with its challenges one addresses the full dynamics of the opportunities yoga affords. When one achieves the balanced combination of the…